Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hand to Jesus

I am the type of person who truly appreciates the little things.  Big things are always great, but little things come more often and usually mean a lot more.
I left for work on Wednesday like any other day.  About a half hour into my shift I get a call on my cell phone.  It was the monster.  My heart drops a bit wondering what the hell I had done now.
I called her back.
What came out of her mouth made me so happy I was hardly able to pretend to care about the rest of the conversation.
The monster was so stressed about work (she had gotten suspended for a week with no pay) that the vi was taking her away to Foxwoods for the night.  They wouldn't be home until Thursday afternoon.
From that moment on I couldn't concentrate.  I wanted to go home as soon as possible just to take advantage of the peace and quiet.
I was able to maintain and stay focused at work until 9:15p and then I ran outta there!
A friend of mine decided to join me as well...
I decided to have a small celebration....this included wine and a huge ass sundaes!
Bad combo for anyone thinking about this same thing.
I got home, poured some wine, got comfy on the living room couch and watched TV.
So nice to feel normal for once.
I went to bed after 1 more glass of wine.
I woke up a bit nauseous, but had a smile on my face.  So nice, so quiet, so relaxed.
I lounged in bed, talked to Cindi, then my Nana calls upstairs panicked.  Crap.
I go down to see what got her all hyper.
She starts off by saying that she doesn't care who I had upstairs the night before she just doesn't want me to tell the monster. 
I laughed and told her it was only one of my girlfriends.
She then closed her eyes, put her hand up like she was praising Jesus and started rambling...
"Melissa, Melissa, I don't want to know.  Don't tell me."
"OK, but it's really not a big deal."
"Melissa, Melissa, please do not explain.  I don't want to know therefore when monster asks me I won't be lying."
That sounded very fair.
She explained how if I did tell monster that she would be OK to my face and then run down to my Nana and complain about how she doesn't want to go away again cus I may bring another stranger into the house.  
Nana completely understands the mental destruction that is the monster.
We decided to concoct a story.  We are conniving women when put together.  I love my Nana.

The monster and the vi had yet to come home and I had to soon get ready for work.  I was so excited that I would reach a full 24 hours without seeing or hearing them.
No luck.
1:45p they walk in the door. 
I had only a half hour to go before I had reached perfection.
I walk upstairs and the monster was right there at the landing.
I hugged and kissed her saying I had to go and get ready for work. 
"What the hell? What do you mean?"
"I have to go get ready it's 1:45"
"Well, Jesus, you rush all the time."
"Well, I was down talking to Nana and came up when I had to get ready.  So I have to go."
She didn't like that at all.
Oh well.
I went upstairs and started getting things together and getting dressed.  Monster thought that was a perfect time to start questioning me about my jeans Nana had just sewn.  I had explained the situation and why the waste of the jeans wasn't right, but she isn't quick with the uptake.
Between rushing to get ready and trying to listen to what she was rambling about I apparently got snippy.
I got snippy.  Well shit let me start throwing questions at her when she's rushing and we'll see how snippy she gets.
I finally left for work.
I return home and she is passed out on the couch.  Thank God!
I now face the rest of her suspension.  I worry about how far up my ass she'll go.
I need a vacation, I need to get away, I need my dramatic and stressful life to become blissfully boring and happy.
It makes me sad sometimes that I've allowed my life to get so out of control that I see no calm in the near future.
Bad for me...good for you folks who like my bloggy.

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